My Work


Website image with HTML, CSS and JS

Catalog App

The Catalog App is a website about cats with information about cats, links to blogs and articles about cats, a questionnaire and cat pictures, both my own cats as well as cat pictures generated by API. The website consists of HTML5, CSS (with Font Awesome, and Bootstrap), JavaScript (with jquery, JSDelivr and Vue), and Python (with Flask and Jinja). The app was the final project for the HarvardX online course CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science.

Catalog App
Smirre Training App

Training App

The Training App provides personal training sessions for cats and inspirational examples of exercises. The website consists of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.

Weather App

The Weather App has a search engine and uses API from to show the current weather. The app shows the current temperature in Celsius with the option to convert to the current temperature in Fahrenheit for the searched city. A description and weather icon is provided for the current weather. A forecast is shown for the searched city for six days with a high and low temperature in Celsius and a weather icon for each day. The first weather app was built using JavaScript and the same app was then rebuilt using React.

Weather App

Dictionary App

The React Dictionary App has a search engine and uses API integration with and The app shows the meaning and examples of words and also displays images of the searched word. Background image from and illustration from HTML, CSS, JavaScript with React.